Sunday 8 May 2016

Star Gazing Event

Event organized by Giridarshan on 7th May at Bahadurgad, Pedgaon
It was a night to remember. The Star show organized by Giridarshan at Bahadurgar was witnessed by 53 participants of all ages. Four experts from Jyotirvidya Pratishthan headed by Atharva Pathak explained most of the stars, constellations and planets the entire night in detail using telescopes and laser guides.

We started just after sunset at 7.30pm when Orion was setting in the west and it continued until Pegasus rose just before dawn until 5.00 am. Here is a list of what we saw the entire night –
1. Zodiac signs and constellations
2. How to identify stars and planets
3. How to find the Pole star
4. Satellite information and flaring
5. Galaxies and star clusters
6. Planets – Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
7. All zodiac signs
8. Stars and information accordingly Greek and Hindu mythologies
9. Falling stars and artificial satellites
10. Hubble Telescope and International Space Station

Stars and Constellations witnessed –
ORION (मृग) Betelgeuse (काक्षि)
TAURUS (वृषभ) ALdebaran (रोहिणी)
CANIS MINOR (Procyon प्रश्वा)
GEMINI (मिथुन) पुनर्वसू
Capella (ब्रम्हह्रुदय)
CANCER (कर्क)
Pole Star (ध्रुव)
HYDRA (वासुकी)
LEO (सिंह) Regulus (मघा)
VIRGO (कन्या) Spica (चित्रा)
BOOTES Arcturus (स्वाती)
LIBRA (तुळ)
CENTAURUS (नरतुरंग)
CORVUS (हस्त)
CORONA BOREALIS (उत्तर मुकुट)
OPHIUCHUS (भुजंगधारी)
SCORPIUS (वृश्चिक) Antares (ज्येष्ठा)
LYRA (स्वरमण्डल) Vega (अभिजीत)
AQUILA (गरुड़) Altair (श्रावण)
DELPHINUS (धनीष्टा)
CYGNUS (हंसा)
CASSIOPEIA (शर्मीश्ठा)
PEGASUS (महस्वा) Andromeda (देवयानी)
PISCES (मीन)
MILKY WAY (आकाशगंगा)
All in all it was a great experience and we at Giridarahan are committed to do this activity regularly in all seasons

Photos by Athava Pathak
Thanks to Sarang Dhere for pursuing this event. Looking forward to another in winter.